Ben Simon
- Currently
- Musician, private after-school teacher (Lincoln Extended Day)
- Election history
- 1st time running
Ben identifies himself as a Marxist/Socialist and advocates for treating housing as a human right. His goals as a City Councilor include filing a home rule petition with the state, asking to re-establish rent control in Cambridge, and replacing the housing market with social housing programs that mirror Vienna.
Ben is a musician in a rock group that practiced in the EMF building and helped organize protests against its conversion into office space. He has also served on the Mayor's Arts Task Force.
He moved back to Cambridge in 2004.
Organization | Cambridge? | Union? | View |
Our Revolution National | on Oct. 22, 2019 |
The Harvard Graduate Student Union-UAW's guide to municipal elections in Cambridge, Somerville, and Boston for City Council and Somerville Mayor.
The Harvard Graduate Student Union-UAW's guide to municipal elections in Cambridge, Somerville, and Boston for City Council and Somerville Mayor.
It kind of unnerves me and makes me a little upset when I hear people talk about how inclusive Cambridge is, when they talk about how welcome they feel, because honestly, this is my home, a place I grew up, and I don't feel welcome here.
This overlay thing that you guys are so fucking excited about, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the displacement of some of the polices you are encouraging, like market-rate housing.
A private owner's right to maximally profit from their property should not trump a community's right to self-determination. This is why I ask the city consider taking the EMF building by eminent domain so it can continue to support the artist community here.
... democratic socialist city council candidate Ben Simon of the Cambridge Artist Coalition… who was slated to review the failed fight to save the EMF building, but mainly focused on the uphill battle artists face when trying to push back against capitalist landlords and real estate developers.
Oct. 16, 2019 — Jason Pramas... democratic socialist city council candidate Ben Simon of the Cambridge Artist Coalition… who was slated to review the failed fight to save the EMF building, but mainly focused on the uphill battle artists face when trying to push back against capitalist landlords and real estate developers.