Vote Local!
We're compiling everything we can find about the 2023 Cambridge City Council candidates—from op-eds to campaign finance records—to help you determine who deserves your #1, #2, or #9 vote on November 7th, 2023. You've got 24 options!
We're compiling everything we can find about the 2023 Cambridge City Council candidates—from op-eds to campaign finance records—to help you determine who deserves your #1, #2, or #9 vote on November 7th, 2023. You've got 24 options!
We let you rank the candidates, just like you'll do in the voting booth. You can even share your choices - if you want to.
Cambridge has a ranked choice system, which might be different than what you're used to. We've made an illustration of how it works as well as collected other explanations.